Why did we create the Cannabis Club?
Cannabis culture has always been about connection. When growers and consumers went underground during prohibition in the early part of the last century, a deep community of cultivators (and consumers) up and down the California Coast and across the country was formed – all united in their love for the plant.
Growing up on the east coast, I first fell in love with cannabis culture at concerts and music festivals in the late 90’s. I remember the parking lots and campgrounds surrounding a Grateful Dead or Phish concert – those spaces were practically “cannabis general stores” where you could explore products and strains as well as ask advice and get recommendations from “pros”.
I loved that feeling of swapping knowledge and connecting with fellow enthusiasts and I wanted to revive the freedom, trust and accessibility, but update it for today. I created The Cannabis Club Network to make it easy to reconnect with your love for the plant and find your place in the community. Give us a look – we’re here to help you find new products, have provocative conversations, and experience local events within the cannabis lifestyle.
-The Cannabis Club Team
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